Friday, March 30, 2012


***This is the first time I am using blogger from my phone....I don't know how the pictures will come across, but you get it. :)****

Last weekend we went to LR to get family pictures done. Here are some photos of kids playing at Burns Park.

We are pretty low key throughout the week. Except for Thursdays. Busy, busy, busy. I have to hurry to work and make sure I am back by 3...I have to get Olivia ready for dance and out the door! After dance we come straight home, have a super quick supper, get Hayden ready for soccer and then we are running out the door again! Have fun at the soccer fields, home, bath and then bedtime. Phew. Hayden just loves soccer! You can definitely tell the younger kids from the older ones. The older ones kind of know what they are doing and are really focused on the ball. The younger ones in the group...well....they kick the ball into a net (even if they are not told to do anything with a net) and tell 'I win!'. They tend to venture off onto other soccer fields. They will stop at random sand patches, stop and start drawing in the sand! It is seriously the funniest thing to watch! I love going and Hayden loves sort of playing. :)

The kids will be starting swimming lessons this summer. I am very excited about this and so is Hayden. Olivia claims to be excited but she really has no idea what swimming is....

Monday, March 26, 2012

Little boring....

This post will be kind of boring. No pictures. I haven't gotten to see the 'sneak peek' pictures yet. I am SO excited to see them. The kids did as well as a 2 and 4 year old could possibly do. Olivia is quite the little ham when it comes to a professional photographer. Its like she has been 'schooled' on how to take pictures. Hayden on the other hand was fully showing his personality in almost all the pictures. He is such a goofball! He was very funny to watch.

Now, our trip to LR was quite exhausting. We drove down Saturday night when Andrew got off work. Made it down around 11pm. On Sunday morning we got up...everyone showered, got the kids clothes ready and headed towards Burns Park. Kids got their pictures done and then we let the kids actually play at the park for quite some time. We then left for NLR to US Pizza to go have lunch with everybody including Beth, Emily and Bruce. Once again, Hayden was such a clown. I am pretty sure his goal in any social situation is to make sure everyone laughs. We then went back to Steve and Susan's and the kids got to play outside some more. (it was a gorgeous day!) We then went to visit Grandmother Blair which we all enjoyed. But, I am pretty sure our kids could have been considered 'insane' yesterday. They weren't bad. They were just crazy. Ha! I couldn't really expect anything else. No nap. Playing outside. And making sure we saw everyone we needed down in LR.
On our way out of town we made sure to stop by and see Brad, Tracy, Ava and Miles. Kids LOVED that!!! And I realized....every 2 and 4 year old who has had a busy day with no nap could be considered crazy! Lol.

Anyways, we enjoyed our time and we are so VERY excited to see the pictures that Alli did for us! She is a great photographer with the best patience. Its really unreal.

I will make sure the next post is chalked full of photos!! (or try anyways)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Lazy Day

I had to work yesterday but with all this rain my allergies have been AWFUL and I have felt completely miserable. It almost feels like the flu. Its just horrible. Anyways, when I came home from work I did not want to do we had leftovers for dinner (kids didn't mind) and we watched American Idol. Hayden fell asleep in the car yesterday at around 530. Ugh. When we got home he slept a little bit longer but woke up around 645. I was laying on the couch being very lazy and he crawled right up there with me and said 'What are we watching?' Me: 'American Idol.' Hayden: 'Oh, my favorite.' Then curled up under the blankets at my feet, gave me the sweetest smile and turned to watch the show.
Love him to pieces. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


We are supposed to be having our pictures done this coming Sunday. I am very excited to have some updated 'real' pictures of the kids and of our sweet family. When I take the kids pictures I get things like this.....
So, then I try again and it gets a little better.....
To finally the best picture I could get.....
                                                            Pretty girl. :)
Now of course since we are having pictures done it is only inevitable that my son would hurt something...on his face......
 This  is what happens when you don't listen to your parents and go running through the house at top speed. A nice little bruise right under your eye. Sigh.
We are looking forward to having them done and I'm sure some great editing tool can get rid of the little bruise. I'm sure. Or make-up. ;)

I am hoping I can upload a video I have of Hayden reading! Yes, I said reading. I told you he was smart. I bought him some Bob Books at this past Rhea Lana's (a huge consignment sale) and we have been working one book so far. And he has-for the most part-gotten the words down in the one book. We aren't ready to move on yet but very very soon.

**On another really funny note Olivia has gotten to where she will take something she is not supposed cookies off the counter, band aids from the bathroom, etc and she runs into their 'clubhouse' and when you open the door to their 'clubhouse' she will immediately shut her eyes like you can't see her!!! It is the funniest thing. She will just be standing there with her loot with her eyes shut as hard as she can. Haha.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Not my first rodeo...

So, I have re-decided to keep up with a blog. I have had a blog before but it never took off. I figured I could post pictures and things we did, kids said, etc right to Facebook. Now, while I can and still will do that...I thought a blog might be a good outlet to just be able to write about a lot more that we do around The Blair household. My kids are getting so big and at almost 4 years old and 2 years old, they are hilarious...most of the time. So, there is a lot to say to keep friends and family updated on their (our) lives.

Hayden--who is about the smartest, funniest, caring and just sweetest boy I know-has decided he is too good for naps. I would have to completely disagree with him on that. If no nap meant earlier bed time then I am all for it BUT that's not what it means at all. It means, that right after bath time(usually around 630) he turns into a tornado of destruction. Literally, bouncing off of walls. HELLO child this is settle down time. Story time. Anything else I can come up with to calm him down. And no, he gets no sugar after about 330. So, this is his all out attempt to keep himself awake. Ugh. At least, minus for the ball energy, he is still pretty good. He tells me "I just want to wait until Daddy gets home. I haven't seen him all day." Tear. I know he misses his dad and that's why his bed time is later than it has been in the past. I don't force a super early bed time because I know Hayden and Olivia want to see their dad as does Andrew want to see them. So, when Andrew comes home he reads Olivia a book and him and Hayden play a game on the ipad. Such boys. :)
 Hayden is also going to be turning 4 years old in a little over a month. I can't believe it. He is going to have a pirate birthday party....which I'm not real sure who is more excited about it. Hayden loves any type of party and well, I am the exact same way! I LOVE to decorate for parties. I love to come up with themes and just plan the whole thing out. Now, about 3 days before the party...I HATE parties. Ha!

Now Little Miss Olivia. About the sassiest thing there ever was. But also, the sweetest. We just love her to pieces.  She also is a very smart little kid. And quite manipulative. ;) If Andrew gets her in trouble she will immediately have a huge meltdown crying "I want mommy. I want mommy." BUT if I get her in trouble she goes crying "I want daddy. I want daddy." Haha. Olivia has always been a good we have no issues with her there. Lay her down with a popper, lights out and she is gone. :) So easy. And Olivia ADORES her brother. Adores him. When she wakes up from nap its "Is Haynen awake?" If Hayden is crying she immediately has to go give him a hug and tell him she's sorry. Even though she wasn't even involved! She plays Batman and Robin with him. Which I just love to sit and watch. She is just a funny funny girl. Olivia is the type of girl who is very girly but hates having anything done with her hair. Scratch that....loves to have her hair done so she can immediately undo it. Grr. It just falls in her face like a sheep dog and she makes no attempt to move it!! Why?! Haha. But, she loves to play dress up, loves to have her finger nails painted (I do that about every other day) and is much calmer than her brother. Another thing with Olivia--she had to have a mole removed about mid February. She should have healed up after about two weeks...but here we are going on a month and it is still not fully healed! She messed with a stitch on her arm which caused it to get infected. And now her scar is much bigger, is taking much longer to heal and just worries me everyday. Now, while she is off special wound care and infection is gone, I am nervous everyday when I take her bandage off that it will be infected again. The fact that it got infected made me feel like I wasn't adequate enough to care for her. I just felt completely awful. I guess a part of me still feels like I am going to mess up and cause this once minor thing on her arm to become even worse. Ugh. But she has taken this whole process like a champ. Never once complaining. She even sat still for 45 minutes as they did surgery on her arm and she was awake!! AWESOME child. Just so special.

 Andrew and I are good. He just celebrated his 27th birthday and all day Hayden told him 'Happy Valentines Day'. Oops. :) He is working hard and loves his job. I am so happy for that. He is not one to really want to sit still (hmmm...wonder where Hayden gets it ;))so this job allows him to be in store and out about. Suits him perfectly. And I just take care of our kids. Every. Single. Day. They are a joy though. I feel very very grateful that I can be with them. And I like that I can make Andrews day a little easier when he comes bathed, kids fed, house cleaned and dinner ready for him. But when I don't feel well or every day life gets in the way and something on my list doesn't get checked off. He never complains or makes me feel like I have 'failed' for that day. In fact, I'm not sure he actually notices...but if he does, he doesn't mention it. :) He got to switch his days off to Thursday so he can be there for Olivia's dance and Hayden's soccer practice (well, one of them). I will be sure to post plenty of soccer pictures and videos. I can't post much until Olivia has recitals because they practice in a room with the door shut. Now, they have a tv in the 'lobby' where we can watch her and see how she is doing...but it won't translate well in picture. Sorry, this post does not have all but one photo. But this weekend we are heading to LR for some family pictures and will be sure to post them then.